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We consider how to allocate pupil premium money on an annual basis following rigorous data analysis and careful consideration of the needs of the children within this group. This Action Plan for Pupil Premium spending focuses on whole-school strategies that impact all pupils: including strategies that target under-performing pupils, and specific strategies targeting pupil premium pupils. We have a clear, strategic approach to the use of Pupil Premium funding, and plans are integrated into wider school support and improvement systems. These are monitored and evaluated regularly and in depth data analysis ensures that the correct support and strategies are identified to maximise progress. Ensuring all staff share responsibility for Pupil Premium actions enables our school to develop a strong support, leading to improved outcomes for all Clover Hill children. In 2018/2019 the DfE allocated 1,320 per eligible primary aged learners eligible for free school meals; 2,300for looked after children (i.e. in care, or adopted); and 300 for children from armed services families. The profile of eligible learners at Clover Hill during the current financial year is as follows: 9 x 1,320 = 11,880 plus 1 PP+ 2,300 Total funding = 14,180 Reception: 0 Year 1 = 0 Year 2 = 1/30 Year 3 = 1 PP+/30 Year 4 = 2/30 Year 5 = 2/30 Year 6 = 2/31 Y7 = 2 Summary information School Clover Hill Primary School Academic Year 2018 - 19 Total PP budget 14,180 Date of most recent PP Review Sept 2018 Total number of pupils 206 Number of pupils eligible for PP 10 Date for next internal review Jan 2019 Current attainment 2017 -2018 Pupil Premium Ch Y6 = 2 Y2 =1PP+ Y1 =1 All Pupils in School All pupils Nationally % of children in Y6 working at expected standard or better in reading 100% 1 child = higher level higher standard 100% 75% % of children in Y6 working at expected standard or better in writing 100% 1 child = higher level higher standard 100% 78% % of children in Y6 working at expected standard or better in maths 100% 1 child = higher level higher standard 100% 76% % of children in Y6 working at expected standard or better in RWM 100% 1 child = higher level 100% 64% % of children in Y2 working at expected standard or better in reading 100% just 1 PP+ child 90% 75.5% % of children in Y2 working at expected standard or better in writing 0% just 1 PP+ child 83% 70% % of children in Y2 working at expected standard or better in maths 100% just 1 PP+ child 87% 76% % of children in Y2 working at expected standard or better in RWM 0 % just 1 PP+ child 73% 65% % of Y1 children reaching the expected standard in the phonics screening screening check 100% Just 1 child 87% 82.5% % of Y2 retakes reaching the expected standard in the phonics screening No PP children taking retakes % of children in reception achieving a good level of development No PP children 76% 71.5% In-school barriers Limited emotional resilience nurture and wellbeing required Poor recall and fluency of basic skills External barriers C. Lack of parental support with home learning for some pupils Objectives for Spending our Pupil Premium Funding 2018/2019: Outcomes for Pupils To close / narrow the gap between FSM and non FSM children in school and with their peers nationally To provide early targeted intervention for underperforming groups as identified through SIMS data, including those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding Analyse progress of Pupil Progress funding children during termly Pupil Progress Reviews Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment To ensure children have access to the highest standards of quality teaching enabling them to meet age-related expectations at the end of their current year group and make at least expected progress relative to starting points To ensure intervention planning includes children attracting Pupil Premium funding Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare To monitor the attendance/punctuality of children, including those attracting Pupil Premium funding, ensuring this remains consistent with that of their peers To support the emotional development/wellbeing of children, including those attracting Pupil Premium funding, through development of nurture time and support Effectiveness of Leadership and Management Oversee the use of targeted intervention aimed at raising attainment, including those aimed at children attracting Pupil Premium funding (alongside SENCo) Analyse progress of children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding during termly progress reviews Ensure processes for identifying children attracting Pupil Premium funding are in place, and teaching staff updated accordingly. Senior Leadership team to oversee provision and impact of Pupil Premium spending Ensure that the Governing Body is informed of spending, its outcomes and impact through termly and annual reports In the academic year 2018-2019 the funding will be used as follows: Supporting provision of intervention activities led by teaching assistants Provision of whole school learning programs Lexia (supporting reading) and Mathletics (supporting fluency in mathematics) Provision of enrichment activities, additional information and support for parents workshops Individual support for educational visits, after school clubs and uniform ActionSuccess criteriaResponsibilityMonitoring Identification To regularly review the children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, ensuring that newly identified children are reported to teaching staff.All eligible children are correctly identified and tracked by class teachersAdmin Manager Half termly reporting to staffMonitoring To ensure the efficient deployment of resources (including staffing) to maximise the attainment and progress outcomes of all learners, including those attracting Pupil Premium funding. To ensure progress and attainment is tracked and data analysis indicates the positive impact of the targeted resourcesDfE obligations on expenditure of PP funding and monitoring of impact are met and reported to stakeholders. Steps taken to improve outcomes made in a timely manner through data analysis. Additional support provided where appropriate leading to improved outcomes for all children, including those attracting PP funding. SLT GovernorsTermlyCurriculum Provision To ensure focussed intervention planning includes children attracting Pupil Premium funding To ensure children have access to the highest standards of quality teaching Provision enables children, including those eligible for Pupil Premium funding, to meet age-related expectations at the end of their current year group and to make at least expected progress relative to starting points. There is little or no gap in the progress and attainment of PP/non-PP children. Senior Leadership Team Teaching StaffTermly (pupil progress review meetings)Attendance To monitor the attendance/punctuality of children, including those attracting Pupil Premium funding, ensuring this remains consistent with that of their peers. Government targets for attendance are met. Lessons can commence punctually Safeguarding procedures are in place (linked to first response). Office staff Head TeacherEmotional Development and Wellbeing of Children To offer nurture support emotional development/wellbeing of vulnerable children. The emotional development and wellbeing of vulnerable children is supported, contributing positively to their educational outcomes. All staff Monitoring the Impact of our Pupil Premium Spending Progress data to be analysed termly for impact to determine success of intervention strategies Professional discussion with teachers/SLT during termly pupil progress review meetings Progress data analysed annually to measure overall success/impact Regular feedback to staff and governors (and parents via report on school website)   :GHIRST ɺ۩nZK<-h@GhUCJOJQJaJh@Gh CJOJQJaJh@GhCJOJQJaJ'h@GhtCJOJQJ\^J_HIaJ-h@Gh.C5>*CJOJQJ\^J_HIaJ-h@Ght5>*CJOJQJ\^J_HIaJhh.CCJ^JaJ!hh.CB*CJ^JaJphhw5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h1h.C5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h1h 5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h1h@G5CJ OJQJ^JaJ ;GHIST ! i[[[[[ $7$8$H$Ifgd.C]kd$IfK$L$lT<T<04 la$7$8$H$Ifgd K$$$-DIfM a$gd1$$-DIfM a$gd(  ) ' + < m p $8Uxl²²Ѧ}pcWh1CJOJQJaJh15CJOJQJaJhw5CJOJQJaJhw>*CJOJQJaJh@GhU>*CJOJQJaJhwCJOJQJaJh@GCJOJQJaJh@Gh6CJOJQJaJh@GhCJOJQJaJh@GhCJOJQJaJh@GhUCJOJQJaJh@GhU6CJOJQJaJ"_` P~kd{$IfK$L$l<<  t 0<2944 lap yt+W` & Fd$Ifgd+W`m$K$ $7$8$H$IfgdU $7$8$H$Ifgd.C  !"ųo]oL>0LhQh15OJQJ^JhQhw5OJQJ^J 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